
$ 79.99 Yearly

24/7 Family Coverage for Canada/US
Battery Boost & Fuel Delivery
Flat Tire & Lockout Service
Mechanical First Aid
Winching Service****
Bike Roadside Assistance Service
Mobile App
Trip Planning Assistance
4 Service Calls per Year
Roadside Assistance Towing 10 km*
Risk Assessment

Continue your enrollment with RBC Road Assist

Please enroll in your RBC Road Assist plan by clicking on the Create an Account button below. Are you a FirstReport‡ client? You may use your FirstReport login details to continue set up of your RBC RoadAssist account.

Forgot Password?/Set Password

Password must be a minimum of eight (8) alpha-numeric characters, containing letters in both upper and lower case. Password must not contain: your user ID, two (2) repeating characters or a space.

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